Annual Report | 2019
Celebrating 10 Years Smiling Girl


Dear Supporters,

In 2019, we celebrated a remarkable milestone; 10 years of bringing quality education to some of the world’s poorest children.

It was an incredible year for School the World. We reached our 2020 goals one year ahead of schedule by (1) expanding into a third
country, (2) building our 100th school, and (3) growing our programs to support children from birth through early adolescence. We also
continued growing our student service trips, held our first gala and increased our annual revenue by 60%!
We are so grateful to all of you who helped make last year and every year so special.

To state the obvious though, we are now in the midst of the COVID crisis, affecting nearly every aspect of life both here and abroad. Our
schools in Central America closed within days of the first school closings in the U.S. And like the poorest children in the U.S., none of our
kids have access to “distance learning.”

Our kids don’t even have books or any kind of stimulating resources in their homes. Most of their parents are unable to read or write.
While we worry about kids falling behind here, we worry about kids never returning to school at all in Central America. And we worry
about child marriage, rape and teenage pregnancy for girls (which went up 60% in some parts of West Africa during Ebola).

According to some economists, this global pandemic could push an additional 60 million people into extreme poverty.
Much of the progress we made throughout our 10-year history could be reversed.

We instinctively and immediately pivoted to meet the needs of our children and
families. We distributed our own learning guides. We sent homework to parents over
WhatsApp. We created WhatsApp support groups for our middle school girls. Most
recently, we developed and launched radio programming with lessons, Story Time
and a Radio-NOVELA for parents.

At the same time, we are experiencing an unprecedented loss of revenue with the
cancellation of our Spring and Summer service trips. We count on these trips to fund
most of our program budget – that is books, parent trainings, teacher trainings,
schools & playgrounds – we need your support now more than ever.

Please consider making a very generous donation this year or even two
donations. You could even spread it out monthly by joining our Book Club

Together, we can continue to change lives!

Signatures Girls Hugging


2009 - Kate Went to Gua for the First Time
2009 - Kate Went to Gua for the First Time
Kate Went to Gua For the First Time
2009 - First Fundraiser
2009 - First Fundraiser
First Fundraiser
2009 - First School Finished - Rio Mactzul
2009 - First School Finished - Rio Mactzul
First School Finished - Rio Maczul
2012 - First Service Trip
2012 - First Service Trip
First Service Trip
2014 - Expansion into Honduras
2014 - Expansion into Honduras
Expansion into Honduras
2016 - First Cohort of Graduates
2016 - First Cohort of Graduates
First Cohort of Graduates
2016 - First Playground
2016 - First Playground
First Playground
2018 - First Corporate Trip
2018 - First Corporate Trip
First Corporate Trip
2019 - Expansion into Panama
2019 - Expansion into Panama
Expansion into Panama
2019 - Expansion of Programs - Early Childhood & Scholarships
2019 - Expansion of Programs - Early Childhood & Scholarships
Expansion of Programs - Early Childhood & Scholarships
2019 - First Gala
2019 - First Gala
First Gala

Thank You To Our Investor's Club

The School the World Investors Club honors our most loyal donors who have supported
our work for 10 or more consecutive years.
Through your unwavering support and
generosity over an entire decade, School the World continues to grow and bring
education to the world’s poorest children. Thank you. We are so incredibly grateful for
your continued support.

Vicki & Stephen Ambrose
Jan & Mark Birney
Maura & Jay Breen
Elsa Calderon & Paul Thomas
Marvin Campbell
Marybeth Charbonneau
Karen & Ned Crowley
Carol & Hugh Curran
Mary Ellen Curran
Alexandra England & Charles Pratt
Kate Fulton & Robert Kyle
Una Glennon
Mary Pat & Peter Healy

Kathleen & Scott Huffman
Monica Judge
Maura Kehoe
Jo Kosewski
Jane & Joe Lawler
Susan Medrano
Valerie & Josh Nelson
David Nissen
Deidre Regan
Maive Scully
Tassinari Family
Tracey Volet


Celebrating 10 years!

Our 10th Anniversary Gala was certainly a night
to remember thanks to generosity from attendees,
committee members, and event sponsors. Special
thanks to Co-Chairs Nicole Sahin (Globalization
Partners), Mike Massaro (Flywire) and Madeleine
for their tremendous leadership and support.

Highlights included honoring world-renowned parenting expert Dr. Shefali
with our Champion for Children Award, an exhilarating live auction
(we can still hear those fabulous maracas!), and a surprise gift funded by the
Board of Directors: School the World’s 101st school in honor of our Founder,
Kate Curran. It was an inspiring night dedicated to bringing education to the
world’s poorest children.

We Raised $415,000




























In 2009, the Rio Mactzul school was a dark, one-room house made of
mud. The dropout rate was more than 50%. Mothers were not allowed to
attend school trainings – at least, not initially.

By 2014, School the World had added bright new classrooms, a playground, a flat screen TV and
video collection, and six classroom libraries. We had grown teacher motivation and capacity with
these new resources and extensive teacher training. But the strongest sustainable change came
with the empowerment of mothers. These women had gained enough knowledge and confidence
to demand that the government make changes, including firing the delinquent school director
and securing better teachers. These efforts halved the dropout rate to 25%.

By 2019, kids were walking long distances to go to the Rio Mactzul school because they heard about a
great school there. Student enrollment was up 30%, parents were deeply engaged, and that dropout
rate? It was down to 3%!

The most important and inspiring change we saw over 10 years? Enough children were committed to
continuing their education past primary school that we opened a new middle school!

We have always believed that kids who learn will want to stay in school – and here was the
“proof in the pudding.”



Schools Built


2019: 32


Playgrounds Built


2019: 13


Children Educated


2019: 1,831


Libraries Stocked


2019: 84


World Changers Inspired


2019: 204


Teachers Trained


2019: 69


Books Delivered



Parents Empowered


2019: 1,033


As we celebrate 10 years of School the World, one thing is very clear: our strategy of organizing communities around the power of education provides brighter futures for children and families living in extreme poverty. Additionally, our Global Citizenship Program amplifies our impact, not only in these rural communities, but right here in the United States, empowering high school students to be change makers.

The first decade of our work focused on improving the quality of primary school education and empowering parents to become “first educators” and advocates for their children. Our strategy included building schools and playgrounds, incorporating play into learning, training teachers and driving the importance of literacy and math skills.

As we move into the next decade, we will continue this important work, while expanding our strategy to include early childhood and middle school, creating entire community ecosystems centered around education.

Moms holding their babies


Our work over the last decade has included starting and building pre-primary schools and training the teachers under a partnership with the Ministry of Education. Now, we are dedicating an entire program to improving early childhood development from birth through six years old. We will be working with mothers to make sure that their children are developmentally “ready to learn” by the time they begin school. We will launch a pilot program for approximately 400 children in 2020.


After seven years of a successful and rapidly growing Global Citizenship Program in Guatemala, we decided to expand to another safe country to help our eager student travelers achieve their service learning goals. We undertook extensive research and due diligence and chose Panama, specifically an indigenous territory named Ngäbe-Buglé in Northern Panama with a high concentration of extreme poverty and low learning levels. We were excited to bring our proven model there in Fall 2019 and we know our high school World Changers will love this beautiful and welcoming country!


When our first primary school students graduated, they wanted to continue learning and we wanted to help them do so. Only a small number of children in rural Central America have traditionally been able to continue their education past the 6th grade, which is why we created a new middle school program that caters to different roadblocks children face when trying to continue learning. For example, a child may have a middle school in their community, but simply cannot afford the basics such as registration, books and a uniform. Or, they must travel to a middle school far from home, but public transportation is too expensive and walking is unsafe, specifically for girls.

So, beginning in 2019, we created 3 different continued learning opportunities:

Partial Scholarships for those who have a middle school in their communities, but cannot afford basics like books, a notebook and registration fees.

Girls Scholarships for girls who must travel far distances to a middle school.

Distance Learning featuring combined classroom and independent learning via online or radio for students.

Through these offerings, we are confident that these young adolescents will graduate from middle school gaining skills in digital literacy and, more importantly, life!


Service Trip: Siblings and Families

Over the last seven years, our Global Citizenship Program has not only brought nearly 9OO high school students to Guatemala to actively participate in our mission and change lives, it has given siblings and families the opportunity to make a difference together. We are continuously inspired by the many families who have traveled with us -- it’s clear that helping others and making a difference runs in the family!

Akins - Nicole Laframboise ‘19 & Children: Louis ‘16, Samuel ‘16, Henry ‘19
Baghdady - Gabriela ‘15,‘16, Isabella ‘18, ‘19
Bagshaw - Hannah ‘16, ‘17, Gillian ‘19
Batten - Sophia ‘16, 17 & Ceicilia Figueroa ‘18
Belinsky - John ‘14, Christine ‘16
Berna - Alison ‘19 & Children: Madeleine ‘19, Sydney ‘19
Berson - Olivia ‘15, ‘17, Jack ‘15
Bjork - Christal ‘15 & Child: Chase ‘15, ‘16, ‘17
Bonasia - Rachel ‘17, ‘18, James ‘19
Brandt - Michelle ‘16, ‘19 & Children: Isabel ‘16, ‘17, Emma ‘19
Burton - Phil ‘18, ‘19, Luke ‘18, ‘19
Burton - Ron II ‘18, Iliana '18 & Children: Ron III '18, Iliana ‘18, Shane ‘18
Cheever - Helen ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, Hope ‘17, ‘18, ‘19
Chiappinelli - Matt ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, Nick ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, Cara ‘19
Chutkow - Polly McIsaac ‘19 & Child: Tessa ‘19
Clarke - Megan ‘17 & Child: Hannah ‘16, ‘17, ‘18 & Annie Newbauer (Cousin) ‘16, ‘17
Clausen - Keith ‘17 & Child: Luke ‘17
Clemson - Cindy ‘14, ‘15, ‘18, ‘19 & Children: Dana ‘18, ‘19, Haley ‘14, ‘15
Clifford - Bob ‘13, ‘19 & Children: Frank‘19, Coleman ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, George ‘13, ‘14, ‘15, ‘16,
Lily Clifford (Cousin) '17
Collins - Yvonne ‘16 & Child: Christopher Moore ‘16
Costikyan - Maggie ‘16, ‘17, Carly ‘17, ‘18, ‘19
Crawford - Michelle ‘18 & Children: Rosie ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, Cecillia ‘19
Cronin - Joe ‘17 & Children: Tommy ‘17, Patrick ‘16 & Hugh Cronin (Cousin) ‘19
Crowle - Emilee ‘15, ‘17, Haylee ‘17
Crowley - Karen ‘15, ‘16 & Children: Robyn ‘15, ‘16, Grace ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, Shea ‘17
Curran - Hugh ‘19, Olivia ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, ‘19
Driscoll - Brendan ‘16 & Child: Emma ‘16
DuBard - Sophie ‘19, Maire ‘19
Dunleavy - Emma ‘14, Sara ‘14
Echambadi - Malathi ‘19 & Children: Mira ‘19, Maya ‘19
Ellis - Breanne 15’, ‘16, Gillian ‘14, ‘15
Farfield - Jennifer ‘17 & Child: Anna ‘17
Fallon - Kathryn ‘18, ‘19, Matthew ‘16 & Elizabeth Croteau (Cousin) ‘15
Fontana - Linda ‘13, ‘14, ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, ‘19 & Children: Sara ‘14, Amanda ‘16
Fortin - Molly ‘19, Maggie ‘19
Frangules - Isabel ‘16, Nike ‘16
Gavin - Kelly ‘19 & Child: Lucia ‘19
Gordon - Chris ‘16 & Child: Tate ‘16
Gorman - Grace ‘19, Brianna ‘19
Greenbaum - Eliza ‘18, ‘19, Julia ‘14, ‘15
Hill - Matthew ‘15, Meghan ‘14, ‘15 & Chaisen Petrino (Cousin) ‘15
Hoff - Caroline ‘18, ‘19, Ryan ‘18
Hyman - Jonathan ‘17 & Children: Anisa ‘17, Sairah ‘17
Karacostas - Xiomara Pena ‘19 & Child: Victor ‘19
Kelly - Tobey ‘13, ‘14 & Children: Annie ‘13, ‘14, ‘15, ‘17, Erin ‘17, ‘18
Kindler - Nikolai ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, Ally ‘16, ‘17
Landry - Mary ‘13, Peggy ‘15
Lautz - Grace ‘19, Sarah ‘19
Lawler - Joseph ‘16 & Children: Joe ‘18, Clare ‘16, ‘17
Lockwood - Jen ‘16, '17 & Child: Mitchell ‘16
Long - Abigail Long '13, '14, '15 & Dominic Spada(Cousin) ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Mahoney - Ally ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, Julia ‘19
Maurizi - Nina ‘16, ‘17, Elsa ‘17, ‘18
McGinley - Nancy '18 (Aunt) & Nephews: Keegan ‘18, Gannon ‘18
McIntyre - Mary Kay ‘18 & Children: Maria ‘18, ‘19, Anna ‘18, ‘19
Nielsen - Britta ‘15 & Child: Maiya ‘15
Nowak - Lara ‘15, ‘16, Veronika ‘17
O’Malley - Vanessa ‘19 & Child: Olivia ‘19
Orr - Lori ‘17 & Child: Connor: ‘17
Picarillo - Grace ‘18, ‘19, Olivia ‘15, ‘16
Piispanen - Jill ‘16 & Child: Hannah ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Pinto - Claudia '16, '18 & Children: Carmen ‘18, Antonio '16, Santiago '15
Pits - Katitia ‘19 & Children: Jasmine ‘19, Jonathon ‘19
Pylkkanen - Jill ‘16 & Child: Mia ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Renteria - Denise ‘17 & Child: Isabella ‘17
Rohrer - Margot ‘18, ‘19 & Child: Emma ‘18, ‘19
Rubin - Stacy ‘18 (Aunt) & Nieces: Elle Joubert ‘18, Annabel Allen ‘18
Rush - Julia ‘18, Jamie ‘14, ‘15
Russell - Logan ‘19 & Madison Gilbert (Cousin) ‘19
Sears - Andy ‘19 & Child: Otelia ‘19
Silver - Jason ‘19, Abby ‘18
Skinner - Katherine ‘14, Benjamin ‘14
Sneed - Clarisa ‘19 & Child: Noah ‘19
Springer - Annabel ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, Lilly ‘17, ‘18
Stackhouse - LuAnn '14 & Child: Allison ‘14, ‘15, ‘16
Talcoff - Kayla ‘18, ‘19, Madison, ‘18, ‘19
Tousignant - Paula ‘17 & Child: Claire ‘17
Tsabary - Shefali '17 & Child: Maia ‘17, ‘18, ‘19
Trevett - Denny '13, '15 & Child: Morgan ‘13, ‘15
Walsh - Gabby ‘16, 17, 18, Caroline ‘17, ‘18

Kindler - Nikolai ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, Ally ‘16, ‘17
Landry - Mary ‘13, Peggy ‘15
Lautz - Grace ‘19, Sarah ‘19
Lawler - Joseph ‘16 & Children: Joe ‘18, Clare ‘16, ‘17
Lockwood - Jen ‘16, '17 & Child: Mitchell ‘16
Long - Abigail Long '13, '14, '15 & Dominic Spada(Cousin) ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Mahoney - Ally ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, Julia ‘19
Maurizi - Nina ‘16, ‘17, Elsa ‘17, ‘18
McGinley - Nancy '18 (Aunt) & Nephews: Keegan ‘18, Gannon ‘18
McIntyre - Mary Kay ‘18 & Children: Maria ‘18, ‘19, Anna ‘18, ‘19
Nielsen - Britta ‘15 & Child: Maiya ‘15
Nowak - Lara ‘15, ‘16, Veronika ‘17
O’Malley - Vanessa ‘19 & Child: Olivia ‘19
Orr - Lori ‘17 & Child: Connor: ‘17
Picarillo - Grace ‘18, ‘19, Olivia ‘15, ‘16
Piispanen - Jill ‘16 & Child: Hannah ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Pinto - Claudia '16, '18 & Children: Carmen ‘18, Antonio '16, Santiago '15
Pits - Katitia ‘19 & Children: Jasmine ‘19, Jonathon ‘19
Pylkkanen - Jill ‘16 & Child: Mia ‘16, ‘17, ‘18
Renteria - Denise ‘17 & Child: Isabella ‘17
Rohrer - Margot ‘18, ‘19 & Child: Emma ‘18, ‘19
Rubin - Stacy ‘18 (Aunt) & Nieces: Elle Joubert ‘18, Annabel Allen ‘18
Rush - Julia ‘18, Jamie ‘14, ‘15
Russell - Logan ‘19 & Madison Gilbert (Cousin) ‘19
Sears - Andy ‘19 & Child: Otelia ‘19
Silver - Jason ‘19, Abby ‘18
Skinner - Katherine ‘14, Benjamin ‘14
Sneed - Clarisa ‘19 & Child: Noah ‘19
Springer - Annabel ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, Lilly ‘17, ‘18
Stackhouse - LuAnn '14 & Child: Allison ‘14, ‘15, ‘16
Talcoff - Kayla ‘18, ‘19, Madison, ‘18, ‘19
Tousignant - Paula ‘17 & Child: Claire ‘17
Tsabary - Shefali '17 & Child: Maia ‘17, ‘18, ‘19
Trevett - Denny '13, '15 & Child: Morgan ‘13, ‘15
Walsh - Gabby ‘16, 17, 18, Caroline ‘17, ‘18


Joe Cronin

When and how did you learn about School the World?

AI was introduced to School the World by Bob Clifford, a neighbor and friend of mine in Hingham, MA. Bob went to Holy Cross with Kate Curran (STW’s Founder). I initially met with Kate to help her review corporate insurance plans and as we got to know each other, I decided I would like to get more involved with School the World. In 2015, Kate asked me to join the Board.

To you, what is unique about School the World compared to many other international nonprofits? Why did you choose to get involved with School the World?

ASchool the World has many great attributes. Mostly, I was impressed talking with people who had gone on a trip and shared their unbeliveable experiences. Kate’s enthusiasm and energy were compelling. The service and education components of the organization were, and continue to be, very important to me. I have significant experience working in education and I also thought my experience with starting and growing organizations could be beneficial and valued.

When you traveled to Guatemala, what was your biggest takeaway from the trips - not only from the service side, but also witnessing the actual mission and strategy?

AI travelled to Guatemala in 2017 with my son, Tommy. Right off the bat, I was very impressed with how involved the communities are with the work being done. Volunteers work side by side with members of the community to build the schools and playgrounds together. It was great to be so welcomed and appreciated by the people you are helping. The welcome we received upon arriving in the community is difficult to describe – but was truly amazing. I would say you have to go for yourself to truly understand how great the program is and the impact of the work you are doing.

What are you most excited about for the future of School the World?

AWith all that has been done over the last 10 years, I am excited about the momentum that we have built and how much more we will be able to do in the next 10 years. There is a strong foundation on which we can build an even bigger and more impactful program to serve a much greater population.


2019 2018
REVENUE $2,241,770 $1,383,915
EXPENSES $2,010,993 $1,299,147
NET SURPLUS $230,777 $484,768


Merrily Bodell

Chief Operating Officer

Cynthia Clemson

Co-Director of Municipal Investments
Eaton Vance
Chair, & Exec. Committee

Kate Curran

Founder & CEO
School the World

Keith Clausen

Envisage International Corporation

Vickie Costa

Senior Vice President of Global Sourcing

Joseph Cronin

Founder & President
International Insurance Group, Inc.
Secretary & Executive Committee

Cynthia del Aguila

Executive Secretary
Foundation of the Universidad de Valle de GUA
Former Minister of Education, GUA

Lin Delaney

Partner & Attorney
Delaney Stafford LLP

Claudia Pinto

Former EU
& Portugese Foreign Service

Nicole Sahin

Globalization Partners

Ellen McDonnell Stevens

Executive Editor (Retired)

Andy Sears


Geoffrey Willison



Nicole Arnold

Linda Carter

Bruno Mercenari


Alberto Musalem

CEO, Co-CIO & Co-Founder
Evince Asset Management LP

Vanessa O’Malley

Alison Qualter-Berna


Michael Tassinari

Director, Advanced Analytics
Liberty Mutual Insurance

Rafael Urbina

CEO & Founder
Batanga Network, Inc

Emmanuel Smadja

CEO & Co-Founder
MPOWER Financing



Sahin, Nicole & Nedim






Globalization Partners
In A Perfect World Foundation


Cronin, Joseph & Sarah


The Bershaw Family Fund
Clemson, Cynthia & John
Crimmins, Rachel & Chris
Dellar, Renee & Richard
Ivywise, LLC
Maxwell, Jane & Scott
Melissa & Peter Tassinari Fund


Breen, Maura & Jay
Huffer, Joan & Dugger, Robert
Pestcoe Family Foundation
Tsabary, Shefali


Delaney McKinney LLP
Envisage International Corporation
Greene, Jennifer
Halloran, Claire
Harbourton Foundation
International Medical Group
International Monetary Fund
Kindler, Lizanne & Tomas
Lathurus, Christine
Massaro Family Charitable Fund
McKay Family Charitable Fund
MP Capital Management
O’Malley Family Charitable Fund
Scully, Maive
Talbots, Inc.


Akins, Phillip & Laframboise, Nicole
Carter Charitable Fund, Linda & Paul
Bagshaw, Lisa & William
Baker, Marielle & Patrick
Bhuller, Aman
Bielat, Hope
Bolash, Aimee & Christopher
Brandt, Michelle & Gary
Clausen, Judy & Keith
Clifford, Donna & Robert
Costa, Victoria
Curran, Carol & Hugh
Delaney, Linda & Hannon, Dennis
DuBard, David & Giblin, Deirdre
Eaton Vance Management
Echambadi, Raj & Malathi
Flaherty, Mary & Richard
Lautz, Ann
Massaro, Meredith & Michael
Passacantilli, Daniel
Rohrer, Margot & Thomas
Sears, Andrew W.
Tassinari, Julia & Michael
Tassinari, Melissa
Zhang, Ligang & Chang, Lei


Andrews, Lisa & Stephen
Arenella, Betsy & Andrew
Becher, Elise
Belinsky, Elaine & Ian
Berry, Kristin & David
Brown Brothers Harriman
Campanelli, Sandra
Capino, Madeleine
Cetnarowski, Ernest
Cheever, Regina & Charles
Costa, Cathy & Peter
Cronin, Elizabeth & Timothy
Cui, Lexi
Dente, Marni & James
DiNovi, Deanna & Anthony
Doyle, Ana
Doyle, Kathryn
Dunbar, Denise
Emanuel, Jeanne & Richard
Essig, Sarah & Bradley
Evans, Ellen & Michael
Fassett, Olivia & Robert
Filoon, Gretchen & John
Finelli, Ginger & Enzo
Fortin, Katie & Patrick
Godinez, Juan & Gombos, Eva
Gordon, Cici & Chris
Grantham, Mayo Van Otterloo & Co. LLC
Hodrog, Faten
Hoff, Anna & Frederick
Jasani, Jilna & Jigar
Johnston, Christine & Thomas
Lachman, Gideon & Goodman, Nina
Lockwood, Jennifer & Craig
MacIsaac, Polly
Mahoney, Karen & Dennis
McAdam, Coleen & Scott
McAndrew, Kelly & Michael
McDonald, Marcia & Peter
McDowell, Patricia & Sean
McVane, Kathryn
Medrano, Susan
MGF Sourcing
Morris, Suzanne & Paul
Mortimer, Kathleen & Jeff
Nelson, Linda & David
Nissen, David
O’Shea, Julie & Sean
Parker, Marilyn
Patricio, Gabriel
Porter, Adam
Qualter-Berna, Alison
Recalde, Maria & Maillett, Elizabeth
Ron Burton Training Village
Rosa, Alfred & Jill
Roth, Jocelyn
Sahin, Kori & Kent
Saliba, Kara
Segal, Jonathan & Lehmberg, Pamela
Steele, Katherine & David
Traub, Julie
Vaughan, Lee & Michael
Walsh, Jennifer & Richard


Abookire, Susan
Alders, Sara & Christopher
Anderson, Stephanie & Troy
Arnold, Nicole
Baekey, Kara
Berkley, Lynn & David
Berna, Gioia
Bing, Julianne
Bletzer, Kim & Curt
Bodell, Merrily
Boone Meadow Elementary School
Brown, Marcia
Brumet, Kim
Burke, Mary Lou
Camino-Wolosky, Miriam & John
Carolan, Jennifer & Jim
Carpentieri, Roseanne
Caroll, Claudia & Jeffrey
Chiappinelli, Cheryl & Peter
Clancy, Jeniffer
Clyde, Jeffrey
Coffman, Robert & Weinstein, Anne
Cook, John & Barbara
Cook, Allison
Cooley, Lauren & John
Crawford, Michelle & Richard
Crockett, Diane & Lee
Crowley, Karen & Ned
Curran, Mary Ellen
Dailey & Supple-Dailey, Edward & Mary
Davis, Bryanna
De Clercq, Daniel
Dickerson, Anne
Dickson, John & Colella, Laura
del Aguila, Cynthia
Dunn, David
Eastern Bank
Ehl, Emily
Ellerin, Mahla
England, Alexandra & Pratt, Charles
Ericson, Shannon
Farinacci, Cathy & Richard
Farquhar, Elinor
Farruggio, Joseph
Fitzpatrick, Michael & Gonzales, Miriam
Fuller, Jennifer
Gannon, Paul
Garand, Don & Laping, Karin
Glennon, Tara
Greenbaum, David & LaVarn, Ann
Griffiths, Pascha & Paul
Guagliano, Lisa & Samuel
Hall, Kirke
Harding, Lynne & Lawrence
Harman, Greta
Harris, Matthew
Healey, Kirsten & Joseph
Healy, Mary Pat & Peter
Hine, Kimberly & Austin
Hoffman, Gary
Isberg, Renee
Kehoe, Patricia
Kelley, Heather & Chris
Kelly, Tobey & Tim
Keppler, Diane
Kindfuller, Andrew & Kenwyn
LaHowchic, Diane & Nick
Linskey, Elizabeth
Lintott, Jim
Lohnes, Jessica
Lucey, Janet & John
Malieswski, Robert
Manning, Greggory
Marcheski, Angela & Eric
Marsh, Carole
McDonald, Jane E.
McIntyre, Mary Kay & Jim
Nawrocki, Laure & Peter
Needham Women’s Club
Nelson, Valerie & Josh
Nomack, Katherine & Stephen
Noonan, Coleen & William
O’Connor, Jane & David
Patsio, George
Pelusi, Faith & Jim
Pine Creek Deli
Puddicombe, Andy
Ratner, Evan
Rausch, Sturm, Israel, Enerson & Hornik LLP
Rivers, Kristina & Vincent
Rivkin, Deb & Haggarty, Bruce
R O I Communication Corp
Rondini, RJ & Benna
Rubin, Stacy
Ryan, Sheila
Sabin, Deborah & Michael
Schopperle, Michaela
Southard, Jon & Torto, Stephanie
Spater, Brooke & Gordon
Squires, Debra & Jim
Stein, Rebecca
Steines, Pauline & Daniel
Stephens, Victoria
Stevens, Ellen
Sullivan, Kenneth & Carolyn
Taylor, Timothy
Tucci, Thomie
Vargo, Regina & Franklin
Veith, Tara & Anothony
Walsh, Colleen
Wang, Soo
Wang, Xin & Jianbo
West, Danielle & John


Abela, Andrew & Campo, Flora
Accounting Solutions Consulting Inc.
Adair, Eric
Alford, Abby & Lee
Allen, Laura
Allen, Michael & Hegewisch, Ariane
Amponsah, Hilda
Apt, Lesley
Ban, Hyun Hee
Bartsch, Maryjo
Becker, Barbara
Berkley, Stephen
Bliss, Heather
Bliss, Charles
Borg, Barbara
Brady, Judith & Kevin
Brandon, Sara & Craig
Bryan, Luisa
Cabrera, Sofia
Calame, Richard
Cappelli, Jill
Case, Benjamin
Caulfield, Jim
Chase, David
Clifford, Dan & Wray
Colasacco, Dora
Coleman, Kevin
Coleman, Susanne & William
Compson, Elizabeth
Condon, Ann
Considine, Michael
Craig, Stephen
Cropp, Anne & John
Cunhapereira, Paulo
DePasquale, James
Doherty, Amy & Sean
Donahue Jeffrey
Drew, Adrienne
Driscoll, Heidi & Brendan
Driscoll, Tracy
Duffy, H. Edward & Emily
Dunn, Allison
Dunn, Kevin
Edler, Sandra
England, Jen
Fabrizio, Patricia & Rosemary
Faubert, Richard
Fedor, Allen
Fleming, Laura
Forbes, Kimberly
Francis, Rebecca
Freeman, Tim
Gallant, Emil
Garcia de Souza, Inasmin
Gerstenberg, Eric
Gesmer, Lee
Glennon, Una
Grattan, Leslie
Greene, Michael
Guidi, Tanya & Tony
Hagen, Karen & Don
Hanley, Mary Ann & Michael
Heindel, Greg
Henry, Orville
Hodes Family Fund, Robert & Gerry
Hong MacQuarrie Family Fund
Hossain, Sara & Andaleeb
Hunninghake, Gary
Jerusalem, Mel
Joyce, Jane
Kehoe, Maura J.
Kelley, Matt
Kinsbourne, Caroline & Marcel
Kirkland Thompson, Nancy
Krivopal, Haya & Mark
Kyle, Robert & Fulton, Kathryn
Lamontagne, Monica & Raymond
Landy, Yasmin & John
Leatherwood, Kelly & Peter
Leung, Chloe & Roy
Levine, Lauren & Dan
Lim, Catherine
Lombard, Noreen & Daniel
Lonergan, Amy
Mackintosh, Stuart & Janicke, Jean
Malloy, Leah & Sean
Malloy, Lacey
Malone, Gerry
Marshall, Marsh
Martin, J.E.
Martinez, Kika
Mathieu, Cynthia & Timothy
Matkins, Karol & Brett
Melendez-Hossa, Sara
Melton, Mary
Merken, Gail R.
Meynard, Lee
Mick, Karen & Douglas
Mirra, Catherine M.
Mitchell, John R.
Najdi, Mike
Newhall, Michael
Nowlan, Elizabeth
O’Connell, Susan & Chris
O’Connor, Jennifer
O’Connor, Kathleen
O’Donnell, John
Orr, Lori & Michael
Patsios, Marla
Petalcorin, Jennifer & Jesus
Pinto, Rui
Polo, Paul
Powell, Megan
Privitera, Toni-Ann & Phillip
Procops, Roy
Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Quinn, Tracey
Rhodes Kimberly M.
Roberts, Maggie & William
Robinson, Kathleen
Rodriguez, Oscar
Ruggerio, James
Sadok, Tammy & Ron
Samhoun, Amer
Scarpato, Scott
Schopperle, Joan
Schwartz, Barry
Schweizer, Nico & Wagner, Jennifer
Segal, Angela
Shannon, Karen & Matthew
Siegel, Joan & Mark
Slavin, Marian
Spellman, Maura & David
Stewart Baird, Mary
Stoyanchev, Kalin
Stoyancheva, Mariana & Velislav
Sullivan, Lana
Tatum, Alex
Taylor, John
Thomas, Addison
Tinstman, Christine
Tobasky, Jennifer & Evan
Trickovic, Robert
Trimble, Elizabeth
Tsui, Jodi
Viloria, Rebekah
Wagner, Herbert
Wallach, Matt
Walsh, Tim
Waterbury, Maureen
Welch, Susan
Westlake, Courtney & Evan
Wielgus, Zach
Wilks, Jeff
Willer, Brian
Willer, Mary
Yanucci, Robin & Louis
Zander, Jessica
Zink, Joseph


Ackerman, Elliot
Adams, Jodi
Alibhai, Feisal
Alvarez, Indira
Amine, Aundrea
Anderson, Garry G.
Arevian, Kelly & Garin
Arnold, Delvin
Assuncao, Jean & Ponte, Rui
Bankert, Mark
Barry, Gioia
Beaton, David
Behrens, Kathy
Bellissimo, Toni
Bing, Sanford
Black, Aurelia
Bliss, Keith
Bolash, Kevin
Brown, Tracey
Bullen, E. Brooke & Farquar, Victor
Burke, Donna
Butler, Mark
Cabrera, Fanny
Calhoun, Rochelle
Callahan, Cynthia
Carkner, Eric & Ashini
Chiat, Laurel
Clancy, Mary Jane
Clark, Chris
Clewley, Patricia & Timothy
Clifford, Laura
Colbert, Gregory & Alison
Cosentino, Michael & Julia
Cosgrove, Thomas
Coveney, Paul & Kim
Crowley, Carolyn
Curran, Mary Ann
Dadgar, Anowsh
Dattels, Peter & Anne
Davis, Beth
Davis, Elwood
Delinsky, Eric & McIntyre, Lisa
Deluca, Elaine
DuBard, Carol
Dunlavey, Mary
Eadie, Cynthia & Jeff
Edler, Nora & Thomas
Ellerin, Todd
Epstein, Lillian
Fang, David
Farinacci, Elaine
Farquhar, Douglas
Farrell, Terry
Feldman, Michael
Finnegan, Kevin
Fitzgerald, Barbara & Paul
Fitzpatrick, Susan
Ford, Aya
Fontana, Linda
Frere, Ryan
Fried, Richard
Frost, Tracey
Fuller, Beatrice
Galda, April
Gately, Tanya
Goldfried, Daniel
Goldman, Seth & Farkas, Julie
Goncalves, Elaine & Matheus
Graj, Roseann
Gralton, Vanessa
Green, Jennifer
Hall, Deborah
Harris, Patricia
Heindel, Ken & Deborah
Hodes, Deborah
Hoffman, Michelle
Hollander, Peter
Huffman, Kathleen
Iafeliece, Jonathan
Isenstadt, Tate
Jameson, Keith
Jegen, David
Johnson, Dan
Johnson, Janet
Jones, Brenna
Joyce, Mark
Judge, Monica
Kabot, Irene
Karingada, Roshan
Kellis, Manolis & Lucile
Kenny, George & Hegarty, Jacqueline
Kenny, Marie
Khan, Farida
Kohn, Donald
Kolar, Joseph & Sullivan, Kathryn
Kushel, Rachel
Laabs, Tyler
Lange, Stacey
Latorre, Cassandra
Lawi, Neil
Lawler, Joseph & Jane
Lee, Michael J. & Stephanie
Lopez, Diane
Macduff, Ella & Teri & Ian
Mackowitz, Samantha
Macleod, Allison & Matt
Madden, Scott & Jennifer
Madden, Rob & Morely, Kathy
Maguire, Nancy
Makris, Melinda & Keppler, Sophia
Maney Family Charitable Fund
Marcal, Jhenneffer
Martin, Douglas
Masiello, Charles
Maurizi, Christopher & Antonia
Maxwell, Kristen
McDowell, Alice
McKeown, Kelly
Megard, Renaud
Mehrotra, Lopa
Meier, Dwight & Catillo, Pilar
Meiklejohn, Alexander
Melilnk, Anthony & Lisa
Miller, Martin
Million, Smaiyra
Mills-Robertson, Richard Abeeku
Moss, Jane
Mulhern, Ellen
Nectow, David
Neville, Carol
Nolan, Margaret & Dennis
O’Hara, Mariellen
O’Malley, Karen
O’Neill, D’Arcy
Pantinas, Karen
Parks, Bettina & Lawrence
Pempel, T.J.
Peters, Angie & Bill
Piotti, Lisa
Poindexter, Julia
Pollock, Laura
Raftery, Megan
Regan, Christy
Regan, Deirdre
Richardson, Thomas
Rose, Harold & Michal
Roselli, Greg
Rosenberg, Pamela
Rost, Tobias
Rowe, Cathy
Ruiz, Javier
Ryan, Kevin
Rodriguez Scarfullery, Paula
Schlanger, Allison
Schopperle, William
Scott, Charles R
Scura, John
Segal, Phyllis
Shames, Shirley
Shapiro, Barbara J.
Shechtman, Ronald
Shewalter, Kim
Simon, Susan
Sirois, Michelle
Sloan, Leonard
Snee, John & Kate
Stewart, Robert
Taylor, Ronald & Marilyn
Thaman, Gloria
Thomas, Paul & Calderon, Elsa
Thress, Meghan & Kenneth
Torrisi, Kimberly
Trachtenberg, Deborah
Tucker, Elizabeth
Volet, Tracey M.
Vom Brack, Nick
Waber, Monika
Watchers, Mouth
Williams, William
Wood, Daren
Yankum, Stephen
Young, David
Zdazenski, Peter
Zobel, Lisa
Zonino, Peter


Thank you to our Book Club Members!

We are so grateful for your 2019 monthly investment in School the World and for bringing the joy of reading to our children.

The School the World Book Club is a community of passionate and determined people from all over the world. Together, they are transforming lives and giving our children the joy of reading each month!

Susan Bloor
Ryan Breen
Miriam Camino-Wolosky
Liviu Chis
Gregory Colbert
Margaret Connolly
Marilyn Duarte
Aya Ford
Vanessa Guzzardi
Claire Halloran
Mary Pat Healy
Laurie Hill
Julia Hoffman
Tania Hurry
Monica Judge

Catherine Lim
Luz Maldonado
Susan Medrano
Paula Mina Vedel
Jacques Miniane
Olivia Olano
Julie Pruitt
Tobias Rost
Javier Ruiz
Maureen Stanley
Michael Tassinari
Faryall Tayyab
Teresa Terminassian
Prasaath Velu



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